1. Which of the following day/days is/are not observed on 28 September?
a. World Rabies Day
b. World Maritime Day
c. World Tourism Day
d. (a) and (b) both
2. Maryna Viazovska of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne, Switzerland has been selected for the which of the following Indian awards?
a. Tagore Award
b. SASTRA Ramanujan Prize
c. Dr. BC Roy Award
d. None of these
a. World Rabies Day
b. World Maritime Day
c. World Tourism Day
d. (a) and (b) both

2. Maryna Viazovska of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne, Switzerland has been selected for the which of the following Indian awards?
a. Tagore Award
b. SASTRA Ramanujan Prize
c. Dr. BC Roy Award
d. None of these
3. What was the theme of National Disaster Management Authority's 13th formation day celebration?
a. Senior Citizen Safety
b. Women Safety
c. Road Safety
d. School Safety
4. Central Adoption Resource Authority (CARA) is a statutory body of
a. Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment
b. Ministry of Home Affairs
c. Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
d. Ministry of Women & Child Development
5. Which country will help Haryana to boost white revolution in the state?
a. France
b. Israel
c. Russia
d. Germany