World Economic Forum (WEF) released the Global Competitiveness Report, in Switzerland
The 12 categories of competitiveness and India’s score in these categories are:
- GCI scores are calculated on basis of 12 categories called ‘pillars of competitiveness’ which covers both business and social indicators.
- Top 5 Countries are: Switzerland occupies the 1st position, United States 2nd position, Singapore 3rd position, Netherlands 4th position and Germany 5th position.
- The Global Competitiveness Index (GCI) is prepared on the basis of country-level data under 12 categories of competitiveness.
The 12 categories of competitiveness and India’s score in these categories are:
- Institutions, Infrastructure
- Macroeconomic environment
- Health and primary education
- Higher education and training
- Goods market efficiency(56th rank), Labour market efficiency
- financial market development
- Technological readiness(107th rank)
- Market size
- Business sophistication
- Innovation