Tata Steel has in association with The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) has launched "Green School Project" in Odisha's Jajpur district.

- It is an initiative to create awareness about environment issues in school campuses
- First series of workshops for the students at their Sukinda Chromite Mine (SCM) in Jajpur under the "Green School Project" was organised. The workshop will run till September 23 in all identified schools across raw material locations of Tata Steel.
- The overall objective is to create awareness among the students on climate change and how sustainable lifestyle can help mitigate the adverse impact of climate change, he added.
- "Be Ecomatic - Eco-friendly intuitively" is a week-long workshop aimed at raising awareness among the students on environment in general and conservation of resources in particular.
- The "Green School Project" was launched in April this year in schools across the operational sites of Tata Steel in Odisha and Jharkhand.