September 28 is marked as the World Maritime Day by the International Maritime Organisation, the United Nations maritime agency.

- The theme for World Maritime Day 2017 is - "Connecting Ships, Ports and People".
- The theme was chosen by the IMO to provide an opportunity to focus on the many diverse sectors and people involved in the shipping and logistics areas.
- The IMO is the principal organ of the United Nations dealing with and coordinating all maritime related issues ranging from safety, security and environmental concerns to training standards of seafarers and even technical cooperation aspects. I
- It is this organisation which, mindful of the massive contribution made by the international maritime industry in bolstering the global economy, instituted the World Maritime Day that has since become a regular annual feature in the calendar of all seafaring nations.
- The first time this day was celebrated was on 17 March 1978 to mark the 30th anniversary of the convention which created the IMOs parent organisation, the Intergovernmental Maritime Consultative Organisation.