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Exclusive 'Rural Livelihood' scheme for Northeast Launched

Published on November 25, 2017
The Union Minister of State for Development of North-Eastern Region  Dr Jitendra Singh launched an exclusive "Rural Livelihood" scheme for the Northeast.

  • The unique scheme called “North East Rural Livelihood Project” is supported by the World Bank.
  • Primarily it will benefit the tribals and the lower socioeconomic groups, including women, in the North-Eastern Region (NER). 
  • Initially, four states, - Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim and Tripura, will be taken up for helping the tribal and even the non-tribal lower groups living in remote areas. 
  • The project is aimed at assisting over 10,000 Self Help Groups (SHGs) and benefit about three lakh poor households. 
  • The special focus is on Women, particularly tribal women, woman-headed households and single woman households.
  • The more vulnerable tribal groups like Reang in Tripura and Lepsha and Bhutias in Sikkim are also going to benefit from it
  • A delegation of the "Forum of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Legislators and Parliamentarians" led by its National President, Shri Inder Iqbal Singh Atwal m Dr Jitendra Singh and presented a memorandum focusing on the issues of empowerment of tribal communities in Northeast. 
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