India's largest floating solar power plant in the country at the Banasura Sagar dam in Wayanad was inaugurated by Kerala Electricity Minister M M Mani

- The floating solar power has a capacity of 500 kilowatts
- The solar plant is constructed using ferrocement technology and consists of 1938 solar panels with 260-watt capacity, a 500 KVA transformer, and 17 inverters.
- The unique feature of this plant is the anchoring mechanism used by the overwhelming technology to maintain the plant with the alteration of the water level," the official statement said.
- It is constructed by Thiruvananthapuram-based Ad Tech Systems
- The plant will generate seven lakh units per year.
- The total cost of the project is Rs. 9.25 crore.
Banasura Sagar Dam
- It impounds the Karamanathodu tributary of the Kabini River.
- It is part of the Indian Banasurasagar Project consisting of a dam and a canal project started in 1979[1] The goal of the project is to support the Kakkayam Hydro electric power project and satisfy the demand for irrigation and drinking water in a region
- In the dam's reservoir there is a set of islands that were formed when the reservoir submerged the surrounding areas.
- The islands with the Banasura hills in the background provide a spectacular view.
- It is the largest earth dam in India and the second largest of its kind in Asia.