Namami Gange projects worth Rs 295 crore approved by NMCG (National Mission for Clean Ganga).
At present, Nitin Gadkari is the Minister for Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation.

- Five projects were approved which pertain to sewage management in West Bengal at an estimated cost of Rs 278.6 crore.
- One of the project relates to sewage management in Uttarakhand at an estimated cost if Rs 4.68 crore. It related to laying of sewer lines in some of the uncovered areas in Hardwar.
- In Varanasi, a project at an estimated cost of Rs 11.73 crore which is related to ghat improvement works was approved. It aims to strengthen the poor conditions of the ghats by developing stone steps and bolder pitching to avoid the risk and inconvenience caused to the pilgrims and the visitors.
National Mission for Clean Ganga
The National Mission for Clean Ganga was registered as a society on 12th August 2011 under the Societies Registration Act 1860. It serves as an implementation wing of the National Ganga Council which was set up in October 2016 under the River Ganga (Rejuvenation, Protection and Management) Authorities order 2016. The National Ganga River Basin Authority was dissolved by this order. This mission aims to clean the river Ganga and its tributaries in a comprehensive manner.At present, Nitin Gadkari is the Minister for Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation.
Expected Questions
National Ganga Council which was set up in
a. 2016
b. 2017
c. 2015
d. 2014