It is saddening that, in India, which is considered to have an enriched variety of language, there are over 40 languages groaning under the fear of extinction.
According to a report released by Census Directorate, More than 40 languages or dialects in India are considered to be endangered and are believed to be heading towards extinction as only a few thousand people speak them
The report says that in India around 22 scheduled and 100 non-scheduled languages are spoken by majority of people and on the darker side 40+ languages are spoken by less than 10,000 people

The report says that in India around 22 scheduled and 100 non-scheduled languages are spoken by majority of people and on the darker side 40+ languages are spoken by less than 10,000 people
A list prepared by UNESCO of 42 languages or dialects in India that are endangered and they may be heading towards extinction11 from Andaman and Nicobar Islands
- Great Andamanese
- Jarawa,
- Lamongse
- Luro
- Muot
- Onge
- Pu
- Sanenyo
- Sentilese
- Shompen
- Takahanyilang
7 from Manipur
- Aimol
- Aka
- Koiren
- Lamgang
- Langrong
- Purum
- Tarao
4 Himachal Pradesh
- Baghati
- Handuri
- Pangvali
- Sirmaudi
Other Languages in Endangered Category
- Manda, Parji and Pengo (Odisha),
- Koraga and Kuruba (Karnataka)
- Gadaba and Naiki (AP)
- Kota and Toda (Tamil Nadu)
- Mra and Na (Arunachal Pradesh)
- Tai Nora and Tai Rong (Assam)
- Bangani (Uttarakhand)
- Birhor (Jharkhand)
- Nihali (Maharashtra)
- Ruga (Meghalaya)
- Toto (West Bengal)
According to a report released by UNESCO, how many Indian lanagues are on the verge of extinction?
a. More than 40
b. More than 50
c. More than 60
d. More than 70