Madhya Pradesh has won the Geographical Indication (GI) tag for Kadaknath, a black-feathered chicken.

- The chicken is known for its flavourful meat and found mainly in the tribal district of Jhabua, Chhattisgarh
- The GI tage indicates that a product possesses certain qualities exclusive to its land of origin.
- The GI tag will ensure that no one else can use the name Kadaknath while selling any other black chicken and will also translate into higher prices for producers
- Kadaknath is in demand for its taste and low cholesterol and high protein content. It sells at about Rs 500 per kg, which is around five times the price of normal broiler chicken.
- Kadaknath, the black chicken, also lays black eggs. Besides, its blood is also black in colour. The breed is also popular abroad due to high iron content.
Expected Questions
Which of the following states has won the Geographical Indication (GI) tag for Kadaknath, a black-feathered chicken?
a. Uttar Pradesh
b. Odisha
c. Madhya Pradesh
d. Jharkhad
e. Haryana
For which of the following has Madhya Pradesh won the Geographical Indication recently?
a. Black feathered chicken
b. Basmati Rice
c. White tigers
d. Bamboo forest
e. None of the above
Name the black chicken that has won the Geographical Indicator tag for Madhya Pradesh.
a. Blacksmith
b. Kaalnath
c. Kadaknath
d. Black beauty
e. None of the above