The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) has approved restructured National Bamboo Mission (NBM) with an outlay of Rs. 1290 crore.

- The scheme will be implemented during the remaining period of 14th Finance Commission (2018-20).
- The National Bamboo Mission (NBM) is a Centrally Sponsored Scheme under National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture (NMSA).
- The restructured mission will address complete value chain and establish effective linkage of producers (farmers) with industry thus ensuring ensure a holistic development of the bamboo sector.
Objectives of restructured National Bamboo Mission
- The Mission would aim to bring one lakh farmers under its ambit.
- The scheme would work on plans to ensure bamboo plantation on one lakh hectare of land across the country.
- The Mission will focus on the development of bamboo in limited states where it has social, commercial and economic advantage.
- The Mission strives to increase the area under bamboo plantation in non-forest government and private lands to supplement farm income and contribute towards resilience to climate change.
- It aims to further promote product development at micro, small and medium levels, rejuvenate the under the developed bamboo industry.
- Promote skill development along with capacity building and creating awareness for the development of the bamboo sector.
- Improve post-harvest management through establishment of innovative primary processing units, treatment and seasoning plants, primary treatment and seasoning plants, preservation technologies and market infrastructure.
Key facts
- The scheme would target select states, including North-east, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Odisha, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Gujarat for plantation of bamboo.
- The Mission is expected to establish about 4000 treatment/ product development units and bring more than 100000 ha area under plantation.
- The restructured mission will benefit directly and indirectly farmers as well as local artisans and associated personnel engaged in the bamboo sector.
- It will directly benefit about one lakh farmers as it has proposed to bring about one lakh ha area under plantation.
- The bamboo plantation will contribute in optimizing farm productivity and income.
- It would thereby enhance livelihood opportunities of small and marginal farmers including landless and women as well as provide quality material to industry.
- It will serve as potential instrument for enhancing income of farmers and also contribute towards climate resilience and environmental benefits.
- It will also help in creating employment generation directly or indirectly in both skilled and unskilled segments.
Background: NBM (National Bamboo Mission)
- NBM is a centrally sponsored scheme started in 2006-07.
- It was subsumed under Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture (MIDH) during 2014-15 and continued till 2015-16.
- It aims to promote growth of bamboo sector through area based regionally differentiated strategy.
- Since 2006-07, an area of 3.62 lakh hectares has been covered under bamboo plantations.
- However, there were limited efforts on processing, product development and value addition. Additionally, there was a weak linkage between the farmers and the industry.
- Considering this, the mission was restructured to give emphasis to address the complete value chain for growth of the bamboo sector and to establish a pleasant relation between farmers and industry.