The Commission for Scientific and Technical Terminology (CSTT) has decided to adopt the acronym "AYUSH" as a word for scientific and technical purposes.

- The CSTT adopted the acronym as a word based on a proposal of the Ministry of AYUSH.
- AYUSH is an acronym for five traditional systems of medicine -- Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy.
- CSTT has decided to adopt the same (AYUSH) as a word in both the Hindi and English languages.
- Following this recognition, AYUSH word is expected to gain currency in popular usage in a short span of time.
- However it would officially be used in all Government communications.
- The word will have the meaning "traditional and non-conventional systems of healthcare and healing, which include Ayurveda, Yoga, Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha, Homeopathy etc.
- Through these efforts the Ministry aims to develop integrated solutions to manage the public health challenges of the country.
- It would highlight the unifying features of the different systems.
- The CSTT was formed in 1960 with the objective to evolve and define scientific and technical terms in Hindi and all Indian languages.