A workshop on challenges and opportunities of arbitration in SAARC region was held in New Delhi.

- The workshop was conducted in collaboration with FICCI (Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry) and SAARC Arbitration Council (SARCO).
- The welcome address of the event was made by Advisor, ICA and Deputy Secretary General, FICCI, Arun Chawala.
- The Chief Guest at the event was Mr. Suresh Chandra, FICCI Secretary.
- The event aims to focus on the role SARCO (SAARC Arbitration Council in the SAARC region.
- The workshop would include discussions regarding the judicial role in the arbitration of the SAARC region.
- SAARC region accounts for 3 percent of world’s area and is 9 percent of the global economy.
- With rising intra-regional trade, arbitration is increasingly becoming important for the region.