The Union Cabinet chaired by the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has been appraised of the Implementing Arrangement (IA) for Pre-formulation Studies of a "Maritime Domain Awareness

Mission" signed between India and France on 10th March 2018.
- The proposed joint mission will be devoted to maritime domain awareness, with the objective to provide relevant data and services to both nations.
More about the mission!
- The objective of the mission is to monitor the maritime traffic and identify non-compliant ships at maximum possible revisit frequency.
- The monitoring system will provide end to end solution for detection, identification, monitoring of vessels in the regions of interest for India and France.
- As per the IA, Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) and France’s Centre Nationale Dètudes Spatiales (CNES), will jointly undertake various activities during these pre-formulation studies.
- They will present pre-formulation concept study results to respective senior management for review within one year of its signing.