The 13th Convention of Central Information Commission was held in New Delhi.
a. Mumbai
b. Hyderabad
c. Jaipur
d. New Delhi
- It was inaugurated by President Ram Nath Kovind.
- It was attended by Chief Information Commissioner, Information Commissioners, State Information Commissioners, former information Commissioners, Central Public information officer, NGOs and other stake holders.
About Central Information Commission (CIC):
- CIC was established in 2005 by Central Government under provisions of Right to Information (RTI) Act (2005).
- It is plays an important role in maintaining transparency in the system of governance essential for healthy democracy.
- Such kind of transparency check aims to curb corruption, nepotism, oppression and misuse or abuse of the authority.
- CIS is the designated statutory authority to receive and inquire into complaint from any person.
- The general superintendence, direction and management of affairs of Commission are vested in Chief Information Commissioner who is assisted by Information Commissioner who is assisted by Information Commissioners.
- CIC submits annual report to Union government on the implementation of the provisions of RTI Act.
- The central government inturn places this report before each house of Parliament.
Functions and Powers of CIC:
- It can order inquiry into any matter if there are reasonable grounds.
- It can secure compliance of its decisions from the public authority.
- It can recommend steps to be taken for promoting such conformity, if public authority does not conform to provisions of RTI Act.
- It examines any record which is under control of the public authority and which may be withheld from it on any grounds during the enquiry.
Q. Where was the 13th Convention of Central Information Commission held?a. Mumbai
b. Hyderabad
c. Jaipur
d. New Delhi