Scientists from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), US have built and flown the first-ever silent airplane with no moving propellers or jet turbines.
a. Harvard University
b. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
c. Stanford University
d. None of the above
- At present, every aircraft have moving parts such as propellers, turbine blades and fans, which are powered by the combustion of fossil fuels or by battery packs that produce a persistent, whining buzz.
- MIT researchers have designed this lightweight plane weighing about five pounds with five-meter wingspan.
- It was flown at a distance of 60 meters, a feat that was repeated 10 times.
- It was the simplest possible plane design that could prove the concept that an ion plane could fly.
- It is the first-ever plane having no moving parts in the propulsion system.
- This new light aircraft does not carry propellers or turbines and also doesn't depend on fossil fuels to fly.
- It is inspired from movie and television series "Star Trek".
- It is powered by ionic wind or electrodynamic thrust, a silent but mighty flow of ions that is produced aboard plane.
- It can generate enough thrust to propel the plane over sustained, steady flight.
- Unlike propeller-driven planes, the new design is completely silent.
What is the significance of this airplane?
- It has potentially opened new and unexplored possibilities for aircrafts which are quieter, mechanically simpler and do not emit combustion emissions.
- In the near-term, such ion wind propulsion systems could be used to fly less noisy drones.
- Moreover, ion propulsion paired with more conventional combustion systems can create more fuel-efficient, hybrid passenger planes and other large aircrafts in the future.
Q. Scientists from which educational institution in the US have built and flown the first-ever silent airplane with no moving propellers or jet turbines?a. Harvard University
b. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
c. Stanford University
d. None of the above