Institute for Development and Research in Banking Technology (IDRBT) launched the "5G Use Cases Lab" for banking and financial sector along with blockchain technology.
a. Council for Development and Research in Banking Technology (CDRBT)
b. Ministry for Development and Research in Banking Technology (MDRBT)
c. Institute for Development and Research in Banking Technology (IDRBT)
d. Commision for Development and Research in Banking Technology (CDRBT)

- IDRBT is an arm of Reserve Bank of India.
- It also released a white paper on 5G applications for banking and financial sector in India.
- The use of 5G will change a range of technologies and applications, including point of sale (PoS) machines in the banking sector, which are currently using 2G and are in the process of being phased out.
- Since India is now the biggest user of mobile data in the world and the rates of devices and services have been dropping aggressively, 5G holds immense potential for the country.
Q. Who has launched the "5G Use Cases Lab" for banking and financial sector along with blockchain technology?a. Council for Development and Research in Banking Technology (CDRBT)
b. Ministry for Development and Research in Banking Technology (MDRBT)
c. Institute for Development and Research in Banking Technology (IDRBT)
d. Commision for Development and Research in Banking Technology (CDRBT)