The World Press Freedom Day 2019 was observed on 3rd May 2019.
a. 1st May
b. 2nd May
c. 3rd May
d. 4th May

- It was being jointly organized by UNESCO, African Union Commission and Government of Ethiopia.
- The year 2019 marks 26th celebration of WPFD.
- The main event was being held at the African Union Headquarters at Addis Ababa.
- Theme for World Press Freedom Day 2019 was "Media for Democracy: Journalism and Elections in Times of Disinformation".
- It examines the current challenges faced by media at the time of elections and media's potential in supporting peace and reconciliation processes.
About the World Press Freedom Day:
- It is observed to raise awareness about importance of freedom of press and freedom of expression as fundamental human rights.
- WPFD reminds governments of their obligation to respect and uphold right to freedom of expression defined under Article 19 of Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948.
- It aims celebrating fundamental principles of press freedom, assessing state of press freedom worldwide, defending media against attacks on their independence and to pay tribute to journalists who have lost their lives while doing their duty.
One must know:
- In December 1993 UN General Assembly (UNGA) following the recommendation of UNESCO's General Conference, proclaimed 3rd May as World Press Freedom Day.
- 'May 3rd' was selected to commemorate adaptation of 'The Windhoek Declaration' (a draft by African journalists for development of a Free, Independent and African Pluralistic Press) on 3rd May 1991.
Q. When is the World Press Freedom Day observed?a. 1st May
b. 2nd May
c. 3rd May
d. 4th May