Current context: The 7th Economic census has begun from 29th July from Tripura.
a. Ministry of commerce and industry
b. Ministry of Human Resource Development
c. Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation
d. Ministry of Development of North-East Region

- The census will be conducted by the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoSPI) in partnership with CSC e-governance Services India Ltd. (CSC SPV) after a gap of 5 years.
- The officials will collect the data through the door to door household survey under the provision of Collection of Statistics Act 2008.
- The economic census gives an idea about the economic activities being carried out across the country, types of ownership and source of finance, their geographical distribution, the number and distribution of workers etc.
- It covers all residential and commercial structures across the country but excludes some economic activities such as plantation activities, crop-production, extra-territorial organisation, illegal activities and public administration and defence.
- Shelter-less and nomadic population establishments and people living in open are also not covered in this census.
Q.1 Under which ministry the 7th Economic census is being conducted?a. Ministry of commerce and industry
b. Ministry of Human Resource Development
c. Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation
d. Ministry of Development of North-East Region