Current context: MEA Spokesman Mr Raveesh Kumar said that the National Remote Sensing Centre (NRSC) represents ISRO as a member of the International Charter Space and Major Disasters.
a. Export to Asian countries
b. Sharing data among the world’s central banks
c. Sharing data on disasters among countries
d. Sharing data on terrorism with countries
- Ministry of External Affairs said that India follows the charter set up under UN-SPIDER for sharing satellite data and coordinating for rapid response to major disaster situations.
- The Charter allows resources and expertise to be coordinated by combining Earth observation assets from different space agencies for rapid response to major disaster situations.
- Charter members NRSC and other 32 countries can activate the charter and seek the information pertaining to the disaster-hit area available, whenever there is a natural disaster in 33 member counties.
- The Charter was activated on 17th July last by NRSC due to heavy floods in India.
- So far data has been received from 8 countries including European Space Agency, CNES, USGS, Chinese National Space Agency (CNSA), ROSCOSMOS and 3 others.
Q.1 In which context UN-SPIDER was in news recently?a. Export to Asian countries
b. Sharing data among the world’s central banks
c. Sharing data on disasters among countries
d. Sharing data on terrorism with countries