'Tamil Yeoman', a kind of butterfly found in the Western Ghats is declared as Tamil Nadu state butterfly.
a. Butterfly
b. Frog
c. Fish
d. Cow

- It is also known as 'Tamil Maravan'.
- Tamil Nadu is the fifth state in the country to announce its state butterfly.
- Maharashtra the first to declare Blue Mormon (Papilio Polgmnestor) as its state butterfly.
- It is followed by Uttarakhand (Common Peacock), Karnataka (Southern Bird Wings) and Kerala (Malabar Banded Peacock).
About Tamil Yeoman:
- Its scientific name is Cirrochroa Thais.
- It is also known as Tamil Maravan.
- It is endemic to the Western Ghats.
- It is found in moist deciduous, evergreen forests and along streams.
- It can be found in groups in large numbers at a few places.
- A dark brown outer ring.
- Size: 60-75mm.
- It is fast with few wing beats and a long glide.
- It lays eggs in the vertical chain of 8-10.
Q. 'Tamil Yeoman' or 'Tamil Maravan' is the name given to which creature that the state of Tamil Nadu has declared as its own?a. Butterfly
b. Frog
c. Fish
d. Cow