Current context: The Ministry of Home Affairs has launched three citizen-centric services of the Chandigarh Police.
a. Uttar Pradesh
b. Chandigarh
c. Himachal Pradesh
d. Goa
e. Kerala

- The initiatives are launched for strengthening the police-public interface and to reduce the response time of police to address the distress calls of the public.
- ‘E-Saathi’ App: The ‘Your Police at Your Doorstep’ initiative will help people to remain in touch with the police and also give suggestions to facilitate participative community policing.
- With the App, services like passport verification, character certification, tenant verification, servant verification, etc. are provided at a click through the app, without visiting the police station.
- The ‘E-Beat Book’ is a web and mobile application to facilitate police a real-time updation of crime/criminal data by linking it to the Crime and Criminal Tracking Network & Systems (CCTNS).
- The information about a crime/criminal is fed into it with ease in the central collection, updation and analysis of the information.
- Emergency Response Support System (ERSS - Dial 112): is an emergency response service which is operationalized to strengthen proactive community policing by providing computer-aided dispatch of field resources to the location of distress.
Q.1 In which of the following, a citizen-centric App named “E-Sathi” was launched recently?a. Uttar Pradesh
b. Chandigarh
c. Himachal Pradesh
d. Goa
e. Kerala