Current context: The 55th Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation (ITEC) was held in Dhaka, Bangladesh on 20th September 2019.
a. Srilanka
b. Myanmar
c. Bangladesh
d. Vietnam
e. India

- ITEC was instituted as part of India’s Development Assistance offering for developing countries in 1964.
- ITEC offers the participants of its member developing countries to avail of short and medium-term courses in premier institutions like IITs and IISCs in India.
- Areas of training courses include Management, SME, Parliamentary Affairs, Accounts, Audit and Rural Development.
- India offers more than 10,000 training slots every year to 161 partner countries.
- Bangladesh professionals have been taking specialized short and medium-term courses in India since 2007 under the ITEC programme and about 4000 persons are trained since then.
Q.1 The 55th Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation (ITEC) was held at?a. Srilanka
b. Myanmar
c. Bangladesh
d. Vietnam
e. India