Current context: 60th foundation day of Doordarshan was celebrated on 15th September in New Delhi.
a. All India Radio
b. Doordarshan
d. KBS World

- On the occasion, the union minister Prakash Javadekar released Postage Stamp to mark Doordarshan's 60th Foundation Day.
- A poem penned by Alok Srivastava and rendered in the voice of Amitabh Bachchan was also launched, highlighting the role played by Doordarshan.
- A Korean Public Service Broadcasting channel, KBS World was launched through which DD India will now be available in the Republic of Korea.
- Doordarshan is India’s first public service broadcaster that was founded in 1959.
- In 1965, the first five-minute-long news bulletin was read by Pratima Puri and she interviewed Yuri Gagarin, the first man to travel into outer space.
- The first coloured broadcast of Doordarshan happened in 1982 which was of Asian Games in Delhi.
Q.1 Recently, the Government has released a postage stamp on the foundation day of which Public Service Broadcasting channel?a. All India Radio
b. Doordarshan
d. KBS World