Current context: "eCAPA 2019 - Art from the Heart" is India’s first-ever Arts Exposition for Artists blessed with Down syndrome, Autism, Mental Retardation, Seizure Disorder and
Dyslexia will be held in New Delhi on 2nd November 2019.
a. Divyang Artists
b. Sand Artists
c. Wildlife Photographers
d. Film Photographers
- The "eCAPA 2019 - Art from the Heart" a nationwide platform cum social venture for the artists to show their art (both visual and performing).
- The aim of the exposition is to create an exclusive platform for young adults with intellectual challenges to showcase their art talents.
- The event will also connect the Divyang artists to mentors and eminent masters of different arts/crafts.
Q.1 The "eCAPA 2019 - Art from the Heart" was recently organised by the Government of India for whom?a. Divyang Artists
b. Sand Artists
c. Wildlife Photographers
d. Film Photographers