- Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) Sunil Arora has assumed Chairmanship of the Forum of the Election Management Bodies of South Asia (FEMBoSA) for the year 2020 on 24th January 2020 from the Outgoing Chair of FEMBoSA, KM Nurul Huda, CEC of Bangladesh.
- Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi and Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro exchanged eleven agreements in New Delhi on 25th January 2020 on health, bio-energy cooperation, cultural exchange, geology and mineral resources.

- Madhya Pradesh government has made the reading of Preamble of the Constitution mandatory in schools on every Saturday from 25th January 2020.
- 50th Statehood Day of Himachal Pradesh is being celebrated across the state on 25th January 2020. On this day in 1971, Himachal Pradesh was carved out as the 18th State of the country.
- A five-day National Integration Camp, highlighting the Central Government’s 'Ek Bharat, Shrestha Bharat' scheme has begun in Madurai, the Cultural Capital of Tamil Nadu.
- National Tourism Day 2020
- National Voters Day
- GOI signed $210 Million Loan with World Bank
- Vyom Mitra