Current context: President Ram Nath Kovind presented the International Gandhi Awards for Leprosy on 6th Feb 2020 in New Delhi.
a. Dr K.N. Srivastawa
b. Dr S.S. Subrahmanyam
c. Dr N.S. Dharmashaktu
d. Dr P.K. Bakshi

- The International Gandhi Awards for Leprosy is presented to Dr N.S. Dharmashaktu and the Leprosy Mission Trust.
- The award has been instituted by Gandhi Memorial Leprosy Foundation, a pioneering organisation established in 1986.
- The Award is presented once in two years and consists of:
- Rs. 2 lakhs as cash award
- A Medallion
- A Citation
- Two awards are presented in a year either to individuals or institutions.
- The Award is given to a Leprosy Worker or Institution who/which has undertaken work in the field of leprosy for a period of not less than 10 years.
- The Award is open to medical, paramedical or non-medical and social workers in leprosy field.
- The Award Committee under the Chairmanship of vice-President of India finalizes two names for presentation of the Award.
Q.1 The International Gandhi Awards for Leprosy 2020 is given to _____________ in individuals’ category for his work in the field of leprosy?a. Dr K.N. Srivastawa
b. Dr S.S. Subrahmanyam
c. Dr N.S. Dharmashaktu
d. Dr P.K. Bakshi