- “Corona Kavach”- COVID-19 tracking app:-Union Ministry of Electronics and information technology and Union Ministry of health and family welfare jointly developed a COVID-19 tracking app called “Corona Kavach”. The app will track a person’s location and will assess whether they are in the high-risk geographical zone or not of COVIS-19 affected areas.

- Book called “The death of Jesus”- authored by Nobel Laureate J M Coetzee was released.
- Obituaries: Paravai Muniyamma: Tamil folk singer and actress passed away. She has performed in over 50 Tamil films.
- Ken Shimura: Japanese Comedian passed away due to coronavirus.
- Mobile hand-wash facility: Started by Andhra Pradesh Government for the benefit of slum dwellers because of the lockdown situation in the state.
- ADB to invest $100 million in NIIF-to Support India’s Private Equity Sector
- CFSS-2020- Launched by Ministry of Corporate Affairs
- Olympics Games Tokyo 2020- POSTPONED by a Year
Q.1 Mobile hand-wash facility launched by which state?
a. Maharashtra
b. Andhra Pradesh
c. Uttar Pradesh
d. Gujarat