Current Context: CSIR-CECRI has developed a series of lab-made Personal protective equipment (PPEs) to fight COVID-19 pandemic.
- PPE’s include Hand sanitizer solutions, as per the World Health Organization recommendations (WHO has recommended the presence of 75% Iso-propanol, 1.45% Glycerol, and 0.125% Hydrogen peroxide and lemongrass oil for fragrance.), Hand washes solutions using coconut oil and Sodium hypochlorite based disinfectant solutions.
- CSIR-CECRI is also offering digital training to make face masks by interested rural women to help and cater to the needs of the people. A 3D printed face shield with reusable options has been given to the Dispensary staff of CSIR-CECRI to protect them effectively from a sneeze, cough and aerosol communication of the patients.
- It also launched the preparation method for electrochemical synthesis of hypo-chlorite (Disinfectant) to MSMEs to increase the production rate.
Q.1 CSIR-CECRI partnered with whom to produce face shields for the protection from Coronavirus?
b. 3D Lycan
c. First Launch
d. ROI Minds
b. 3D Lycan
c. First Launch
d. ROI Minds