Current Context: India attended Eleventh session of Petersburg Climate Dialogue.

- The session was attended by Minister for Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Mr. PrakashJavadekar.
- The 11th session of Petersburg Climate Dialogue was hosted by Germany and was co-chaired by United Kingdom.
- The session was held by a video conference because most of the countries are facing a lockdown situation to die to COVID-19. Over 30 countries were part of this video conference.
- In this dialogue, India suggested that we should have Climate Technology that is open to everyone at an affordable cost. And the minister also suggested that We must plan for 1 trillion USD in grants to develop the world immediately.
Static Part:
- Capital of Germany: Berlin
- Currency of Germany: Euro
Q.1 Which country hosted the Eleventh session of Petersburg Climate Dialogue via video conference?
a. Germany
b. UK
c. Japan
d. Denmark
a. Germany
b. UK
c. Japan
d. Denmark