Current Context: Tribal Cooperative Marketing Development Federation of India (TRIFED) developed a digital communication strategy for promoting a digital campaign for Self Help Groups (SHGs), in collaboration with UNICEF.

- The aim of this campaign is to highlight the importance of Social Distancing.
- UNICEF will provide the necessary support to the SHG centers in the form of Digital Multimedia content, Webinars for Virtual training (basic orientation on COVID response, key preventive behaviors), Social Media campaigns (on social distancing, home quarantine, etc.) and Vanya Radio.
- The campaign is to be provided to more than 18000 participants and has also covered tribal regions.
- Under this, 1205 Van Dhan Vikas Kendras (VDVKs) are sanctioned in 27 states and 1 UT involving around 18,075 Van Dhan Self Help Groups.
- The self-help groups arepromoted as Van Dhan Social Distancing Awareness cum Livelihood Centers’ through a digital training program.The SHGs will create awareness among the community about social distancing and steps to be followed, Do’s and Don’ts Advisories relating to NTFP to be kept in mind during Covid-19, providing suggestive practices for maintaining personal hygiene, adopting cashless practices, among others will be shared.
Static Part:
- HQ of Tribal Cooperative Marketing Development Federation of India (TRIFED): New Delhi
- HQ of UNICEF: New York
Q.1 Tribal Cooperative Marketing Development Federation of India (TRIFED) has collaborated with which organization for developing a digital communication strategy for promoting a digital campaign for Self Help Groups (SHGs)?
a. WTO
b. WHO
a. WTO
b. WHO