Current Context: S&P Global Ratings, which is an American credit rating agency has projected that Indian economy to contract @ 5% in FY21.

- However, for fiscal year 2021-22, the growth is predicted at 8.5%
- Previously, Fitch and Crisil has also predicted a negative growth of 5% in Indian Economy
- The reduction in the growth rate has been made as the country is facing major lockdown situation due to the pandemic COVID-19
- Static Part:
- HQ of S&P Global Ratings: New York, US
Q: As per S&P Global Ratings, Indian economy to contract at ___% in FY21
a. 4%
b. 5%
c. 4.5%
d. 5.5%
a. 4%
b. 5%
c. 4.5%
d. 5.5%