Current Context: South Central Railway has developed ‘Rail-Bot’ or ’R-BOT’ which is a robotic device to help in the hospitals in order to manage activities like supplying medicines,

medical accessories, to serve food to the patients, thus help in reducing physical contact of doctors and health worker with the positive COVID-19 patients.
- The robotic device is operated by the mobile application.
- ‘R-BOT’ has various sensors which are used to read blood heat of the patients and transmit this value to the display in mobile phones.
- It also has two way audio and video communication facility which help to carry out interaction between doctors and patients by maintaining social distance.
Q.1 Which of the following railway zone developed ‘Rail-Bot’?
a. Northern Railway
b. North Eastern Railway
c. Western Railway
d. South Central Railway
a. Northern Railway
b. North Eastern Railway
c. Western Railway
d. South Central Railway