Current Context: Care (Credit Analysis and Research Limited) Rating has forecasted that Indian Economy to contract 6.4% for the financial year 2020-21.

- This contraction value in GDP is cited because the economic activities are getting continuously hindered due to lockdown situation of COVID-19.
- The rating agency has also expected a positive growth will come from agriculture and government sector.
- As per the report, two-third of the economic sector will operate at 50-70% by the end of the third quarter for FY 2020-21.
- Static Part:
- HQ of Care Rating: Mumbai
- MD and CEO of Care Rating: Ajay Mahajan
Q.1 Care Rating has forecasted that Indian Economy to contract ____% for FY 2020-21?
a. 7.5%
b. 4.5%
c. 6.4%
d. 5.4%
a. 7.5%
b. 4.5%
c. 6.4%
d. 5.4%