Current Context: India, United States and Israel have entered into trilateral development initiative of 5G Technology.

- They collaborated in the virtual US-India-Israel summit which was focused on trilateral partnership in achieving strategic, tech and development areas.
- The summit was addressed by Israeli Ambassador to India Ron Malka and his counterpart Sanjeev Singla.
- The nations assured to provide 5G technology which will be open, interoperable, reliable and secured one.
- Static Part:
- Capital of US: Washington DC
- Currency of US: Dollar
- Capital of Israel: Jerusalem
- Currency of Israel: Israeli Shekel
Q.1 India collaborated which country/countries to achieve development in 5G Technology?
a. Russia
b. United States
c. Israel
d. Both (b) and (c)
a. Russia
b. United States
c. Israel
d. Both (b) and (c)