RGICL partnered with SatSure Analytics

Published on October 07, 2020
Current Context: The Reliance General Insurance Company Limited (RGICL) has entered into partnership with SatSure Analytics, which is a Bengaluru based company. 
RGICL partnered with SatSure Analytics
  • They have entered into partnership to improve crop insurance business operations, to develop satellite based crop monitoring and to have predictive analytics support for risk management.
  • SatSure Analytics, the wholly owned subsidiary of SatSure AH Switzerland, provides agricultural data infrastructure support through SPARTA. The SPARTA is the proprietary platform. It also provides decision analytics tool through SAGE in agriculture, climate change and infra sectors. 
  • RGICL in coordination with SatSure Analytics will launch a crop insurance by investing technology and innovative solutions. 
  • RGICL will combine Earth Observation Data and will generate reports with the help of SatSure Analytics’ SAGE platform . This data will help to address the key factors of crop health, soil moisture and crop yields and loss estimations.
  • Then this reports will enable timely support of insurance services and will enable the monitoring of risk remotely so as to take accurate financial actions. 
  • Static Part: 
    • HQ of RIGCL: Mumbai
    • Executive Director and CEO of RIGCL: Rakesh Jain


Q.1 Who among the following partnered with SatSure Analytics to improve crop insurance business operations and to develop satellite based crop monitoring?
a. Universal Sompo General Insurance Company Limited
b. Reliance General Insurance Company Limited
d. New India Assurance
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Ramandeep Singh

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