- The meet was hosted from Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCAA), Pune, Maharashtra in partnership with Department of Science and Technology (DST)
- The meet observed the participation of scientific researchers from BRICS Nations
- The meet was held under the science, technology, and innovation track of the BRICS-2021 calendar.
- Head of the International Cooperation Division of DST, S K Varshney presented India’s perspectives during the meeting
- The member nations also presented their country report which highlighted the research activities and infrastructure created by them
- The dignitaries assured to cooperate to build data network and network of intelligent telescopes, big data, a study of transient astronomical phenomena in-universe, artificial intelligence, machine learning application for processing the voluminous data generated because of the enhanced multi-wavelength telescope observatory.
- Static Part:
- Current BRICS Chair: India
Q: 1: India hosted which edition of BRICS Astronomy Working Group (BAWG)?
a. 4th
b. 5th
c. 6th
d. 7th
a. 4th
b. 5th
c. 6th
d. 7th