- The kit has the ability to detect both spikes as well as nucleocapsid proteins of Coronavirus. Its detection sensitivity is 97%
- The kit will be useful to understand COVID-19 epidemiology and assessing an individual’s previous SARS-CoV-2 exposure
- The kit is intended for the qualitative detection of IgG antibodies in human serum or plasma, targeting SARS-CoV-2 related antigens
- It is developed by Defence Institute of Physiology and Allied Sciences (DIPAS), which is the lab of DRDO
- It is developed in association with Delhi’s Vanguard Diagnostics Pvt Ltd, who will be responsible to sell the kit
- It is approved by the Indian Council of Medical Research
- The kit offers a significantly faster turn-around time as it conducts test in just 75 minutes without any cross reactivity with other diseases. It possess a shelf life of 18 months. It is expected to be available at about Rs 75 per test.
- Static Part:
- HQ of DRDO: New Delhi
- Chairman of DRDO: Dr. G Satheesh Reddy
Q: 1: Which of the following DRDO’s lab developed a COVID-19 antibody detection kit by the named ‘DIPCOVAN’ in association with Delhi’s Vanguard Diagnostics Pvt Ltd?
a. Defence Bio-Engineering Electro Medical Laboratory (DEBEL)
b. Defence Institute of Physiology and Allied Sciences (DIPAS)
c. Defence Institute for Bio-Energy Research (DIBER)
d. Defence Laboratory Jodhpur (DLJ)
a. Defence Bio-Engineering Electro Medical Laboratory (DEBEL)
b. Defence Institute of Physiology and Allied Sciences (DIPAS)
c. Defence Institute for Bio-Energy Research (DIBER)
d. Defence Laboratory Jodhpur (DLJ)