- For the period – 2022 to 2025
- Department of Science and Technology, Ministry of Science and Technology will coordinate and implement on behalf of the Indian government.
- Knowledge sharing in the following fields under the program –
- Medicinal Plants and processing,
- Real-time Air Quality Monitoring,
- Electronic platform for knowledge sharing in the field of Genetic Resources,
- Plastic Bio-fuel, and Bio-diesel Research,
- Software development for Graduate Programs – Linking Industry with Academia,
- Blockchain and FinTech solutions,
- Training programs – Big-data, coding & testing, STEM teaching, and other areas of S&T cooperation.
Q.1 Recently India signed POC with which country is in the field of science and technology?
a. Dubai
b. Oman
c. Saudi Arabia
d. Bahrain
a. Dubai
b. Oman
c. Saudi Arabia
d. Bahrain