- A total of 120 officers will be trained under this agreement from Mohali ISB, each batch will be divided into 30 officers.
- In this program officers from different departments like ITI, Principal sector skill councils, CEO’s State Skill mission Directors, Jan Shikshan Sansthan will participate in it.
- The main objective of signing an MOU is to develop leadership skills among these officers and also strategic mindsets, which in turn helps in gaining insights into data analytics and digital transformation.
- Through this program, they wanted to create an environment of innovation with their respective organizations.
- It also helps to create a practical understanding of major components of business strategy and create a new generation of an upskilled workforce that drives the innovative future of India.
- A standing capacity building is also created on 17th Jan 2022 which helps coordinate with the capacity building commission and implementation of various capacity building interventions for all the employees under NSDE.
- Static Part:
- MSDE-Set up on 9th Nov 2014
- Present Minister:Dharmendra Pradhan
- Aim: To coordinate all skill development efforts across the country
Q.1 Recently MSDE has signed an MOU with which of the following Indian School of Business to provide capacity-building training for their employees?a. Bengaluru
b. Ahmedabad
c. Mohali
d. Delhi