Current Context: PM Shri Narendra Modi has inaugurated the program to mark the completion of 50 years for ‘Project Tiger’ at Mysore.

- In the same event PM also launched the International Big Cats Alliance (IBCA).
- In this event PM has released the Amrit Kaal's Vision for Tiger Conservation', Summary Report of All India Tiger Estimation (5th Cycle) of Management Effectiveness Assessment of Tiger Reserves.
- As per the data, tigers increased to 3167 in count.
- This project was implemented in the year 1973 by then Union Minister of Environment, Forest and Climate Change. In the year 1973, when this project was started only 9 tiger reserves were in the country.
- In the year 2010, a meeting of the International Tiger Conservation Forum held in St. Petersburg city of Russia which was attended by the heads of state of 13 tiger range countries of the world.
- In this meeting it was agreed to implement the 'Global Tiger Recovery Program'. Under this program, the 13 TRC countries had set a target of doubling the number of tigers globally by the year 2022.
- A total of 13 countries including India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Myanmar, Nepal, Russia, Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam are included in the 'Tiger Range Countries' (TRC).
Q.1 In which state did PM inaugurated the 'Commemoration of 50 Years of Project Tiger' program.a. Kerala
b. Karnataka
c. Tamil Nadu
d. Rajasthan