- The subsidy amount varies depending on the type and number of EVs purchased. For example, for two-wheeler EVs, the subsidy is Rs 5,000 per vehicle for the first two lakh purchases, not exceeding 15 percent of the ex-factory cost.
- For four-wheeler EVs, the subsidy is Rs 1 lakh per vehicle for 25,000 earlier purchases, not exceeding 15 percent of the ex-factory cost.
- For non-government e-buses, the subsidy is Rs 20 lakh per vehicle for the initial 400 purchases, up to 15 percent of the ex-factory cost. For e-goods carriers, the subsidy is Rs 1 lakh per vehicle for the first 1000 purchases, up to 10 percent of the factory cost.
- To claim the subsidy, customers need to submit an application on the portal and go through a four-level verification process involving dealers, registration authorities, transport inspectors and banking partners.
- The subsidy amount will be transferred to the customer’s bank account within three working days after the verification process is completed.
Q.1 What is the name of the subsidy portal for EVs launched by the UP government?a. upevsubsidy.com
b. upevsubsidy.in
c. upevmobility.in
d. upevmobility.com