- Here’s a brief about these two products:
- Saral Swadhan Supreme: It is an individual, non-linked, non-participating, life insurance savings product with return of premium. It offers life insurance cover with ease of issuance and returns total premium paid at the end of the policy term, upon survival. You can pay the premium regularly or for a limited period (7/10/15 years). The policy term can be chosen from 10 years to 30 years.
- Smart Swadhan Supreme: This product provides life insurance cover at an affordable cost and also returns total premium paid at the end of the policy term, upon survival. It offers the convenience to pay premium regularly or for a limited period (7/10/15 years). You can choose the policy term from 10 years to 30 years.
- Both these plans offer a lumpsum benefit on the policyholder’s demise during the policy term and also pays back the total premiums paid in case the life assured survives the policy term.
Q.1 What type of life insurance product is ‘Saral Swadhan Supreme’?a. Linked, participating
b. Non-linked, participating
c. Linked, non-participating
d. Non-linked, non-participating