- Here are some key points from the guidelines:
- Bridge Courses: The UGC recommended implementation of bridge courses to improve educational opportunities.
- Earn-While-Learn Schemes: Universities should ensure students have flexibility in gaining knowledge and skills essential for earning a living while they learn.
- Outreach Programmes: These are to increase the participation of SEDG students in Higher Education Institutions through access, equity, and inclusion.
- Transparent Selection Process: Establish a clear and transparent selection process, with priority given to students in financial need.
- Collaboration for Funding: Collaborate with government, non-government agencies, and the corporate sector for funding or seeking projects to implement the scheme.
- Weightage in Assessment and Accreditation: Provide necessary importance to the scheme by including it as a criterion for assessment and accreditation.
- The UGC also mandated that dedicated SEDGs cells be established in all HEIs to ensure equal and quality higher education for SEDG students.
Q.1 What is the aim of the Earn-While-Learn Schemes?a. To ensure students gain knowledge and skills essential for earning a living while they learn
b. To provide part-time job opportunities to students
c. To increase the financial aid provided to students
d. To decrease the tuition fees for students