- This initiative aims to streamline and simplify various pension-related services for retired government employees.
- Here are some of the benefits of this portal for retirees:
- Single Sign-On: Access multiple pension services with a single login.
- Convenience: View monthly pension slips, check life certificate status, submit Form 16, and more - all from one place.
- Transparency: Track the processing status of your pension.
- Integration: The portal is being integrated with several banks, offering a consolidated view of your pension across different accounts (This functionality might still be under development).
Q.1 What is the purpose of the Integrated Pensioners’ Portal, also known as the Bhavishya Portal?a. To provide job opportunities for retired government employees.
b. To streamline and simplify various pension-related services for retired government employees
c. To provide health insurance for retired government employees.
d. To provide financial advice for retired government employees.