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Blue Origin’s NS-25 mission Lifted off with 6 Crew Members Including One Indian

Published on May 21, 2024
Current Context: The Blue Origin’s NS-25 mission completed its journey to space with six crew members on board.
Blue Origin’s NS-25 mission Lifted off with 6 Crew Members Including One Indian
  • The mission took place on May 19, 2024.
  • This was the 25th flight for the New Shepard program and the seventh human spaceflight.
  • The crew members for this mission were:
    • Mason Angel
    • Sylvain Chiron
    • Kenneth L. Hess
    • Carol Schaller
    • Gopi Thotakura (from India)
    • Ed Dwight, was selected by President John F. Kennedy in 1961 as the nation’s first Black astronaut candidate but never had the opportunity to fly.
  • This mission marked a significant milestone for Blue Origin as it resumed its crewed spaceflights after a pause since August 2022.
  • The New Shepard rocket was grounded following an engine failure on an uncrewed mission in September 2022.


Q1. Who was the astronaut from India on the Blue Origin’s NS-25 mission?

  • A) Mason Angel
  • B) Sylvain Chiron
  • C) Ed Dwight
  • D) Gopi Thotakura

Answer: D) Gopi Thotakura

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