- Here are the key points:
- Applicability: The revised directions apply to a wide range of regulated entities, including:
- Commercial Banks (including Regional Rural Banks) and All India Financial Institutions
- Cooperative Banks (Urban Cooperative Banks / State Cooperative Banks / Central Cooperative Banks)
- Non-Banking Finance Companies (including Housing Finance Companies)
- Principle-Based Approach: The Master Directions emphasize a principle-based approach, strengthening the role of the Board in overall governance and oversight of fraud risk management. They also highlight the need for robust internal audit and controls frameworks.
- Natural Justice and Timeliness: Regulated Entities must ensure compliance with the principles of natural justice before classifying individuals or entities as fraud. This requirement aligns with the Hon’ble Supreme Court Judgment dated March 27, 2023.
- Early Warning Signals and Red Flagging: The framework for Early Warning Signals (EWS) and Red Flagging of Accounts (RFA) has been further strengthened to detect and prevent frauds promptly. Reporting to Law Enforcement Agencies and Supervisors is emphasized.
- Data Analytics and Market Intelligence: Regulated Entities are mandated to establish Data Analytics and Market Intelligence Units to enhance risk management systems.
- Expanded Applicability: These Directions now apply to Regional Rural Banks, Rural Cooperative Banks, and Housing Finance Companies, promoting better fraud risk management across the sector.
1 According to the revised directions, what must Regulated Entities ensure before classifying individuals or entities as fraud?
- A) Compliance with financial regulations
- B) Approval from the Board of Directors
- C) Compliance with the principles of natural justice
- D) Submission of a fraud report to the RBI