- The theme for this year is "Close the Care Gap: Everyone Deserves Access to Cancer Care," stressing the importance of ensuring that all individuals with cancer have equitable access to healthcare.
- Here are some key points about World Lung Cancer Day:
- Awareness and Advocacy: The day is dedicated to lung cancer awareness and the promotion of overall lung health. Organizations like the Global Lung Cancer Coalition stand shoulder to shoulder with everyone affected by lung cancer, advocating for prevention, early detection, and research efforts to find a cure.
- Risk Factors: Smoking tobacco is a common risk factor for lung cancer. Exposure to second-hand smoke, certain chemicals (like radon gas and asbestos), and air pollution can also contribute to the disease.
1. When is World Lung Cancer Day observed annually?
- A) August 1
- B) September 10
- C) November 12
- D) December 5