- This initiative, with a corpus of Rs 1,000 crore, aims to provide farmers with easier access to credit by allowing them to secure loans using electronic negotiable warehouse receipts (e-NWRs).
- Key Points:
- Purpose: To reduce distress selling by farmers and improve their access to credit.
- Mechanism: Farmers can pledge their crops stored in Warehousing Development and Regulatory Authority (WDRA)-registered warehouses to obtain loans.
- Benefits:
- Encourages scientific storage of produce.
- Provides financial support, reducing the need for immediate sale of produce.
- Promotes better price realization for farmers.
- The scheme is expected to help farmers manage their finances more effectively and ensure better storage and marketing of their produce.
1 What is the total corpus of the Credit Guarantee Scheme for e-NWR-Based Pledge Financing (CGS-NPF)?
- A) Rs 500 crore
- B) Rs 1,000 crore
- C) Rs 1,500 crore
- D) Rs 2,000 crore