- It was chaired by A.S. Kiran Kumar, former ISRO Chairman and chair of the Governing Council of IIA.
- The theme of the conference was "Sun, Space Weather, and Solar-Stellar Connections".
- Here are some highlights:
- Global Participation: Over 200 solar physicists from around the world attended the conference, fostering international collaboration.
- Research Discussions: The conference featured presentations, discussions, and poster sessions on topics like solar magnetism, solar-stellar connections, and space weather.
- Public Talk: A public talk on the Sun by Professor Nat Gopalswamy from NASA Goddard Space Flight Centre was held at CHRIST University on January 23, 2025.
- Future Projects: Initiatives like the digitization of KSO’s historic records and contributions to the Aditya-L1 mission were highlighted. Upcoming projects like the National Large Solar Telescope in Ladakh were also discussed.
1. The International Conference on "Sun, Space Weather, and Solar-Stellar Connections" was organized by which institution?
- A) Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO)
- B) Indian Institute of Astrophysics (IIA)
- C) National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
- D) Physical Research Laboratory (PRL)