The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs which chaired by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi, has given its approval for the revision in the price of ethanol under Ethanol Blended Petrol (EBP) Programme.

- The decision is for the supply to the Public Sector Oil Marketing Companies.
- The revised price of ethanol would be fixed at Rs.40.85/- per litre under EBP and will be applicable for the forthcoming sugar season 2017-18.
- GST and transportation charges will be payable additionally.
- This move will help in reducing dependency on crude oil imports, saving in foreign exchange and benefits to the environment.
- In December, 2014 Government of India decided to control the prices of ethanol under EBP Programme.
- The price fixed by the government of India during ethanol supply year 2014-15 & 2015-16 is in the range of Rs.48.50 to Rs.49.50 per litre.
- The price includes Central/State Government taxes and transportation charges.
- Ethanol Blended Petrol (EBP) Programme was launched by the Government in 2003.
- It has been extended to the Notified 21 States and 4 Union Territories to promote the use of alternative and environment-friendly fuels.
What is Ethanol?
- Ethanol is a compound and simple alcohol with the chemical formula C2H5OH.
- It is also called alcohol, ethyl alcohol, and drinking alcohol
- It is naturally produced by the fermentation of sugars by yeasts